Contact Us

Join The Community

Join our Free community and get your questions answered! The goal is community and as such we encourage people to ask members for their opinions on the questions they have. 

The free community also gives you the opportunity to have access to the Ideas to Profits course, Overview course, and the Mindset Course. 

Coming soon, you will also have access for free to the YouTube / Creating Content for your Business course. 

Click the link to learn more about our programs and register for the Free community and Free courses.

Need Something 


If you are planning on joining in one of the paid programs please feel free to first join the free community which also gives you the opportunity to have access to the Ideas to Profits course, Overview course, and the Mindset Course. 

You can then msg Nikos Rentas or one of the other admins to book a time to meet one on one to talk further on your needs and see how we can customize aspects with your personal or business development. 

Check Out Our 


Each program is set for specific needs for most people. Please reach out for customization.

Submit a Message

If you have specific questions and do not want to become a member yet, please contact us through the form. Our goal is to respond as soon as possible but some times it can take up to two business days.

The program has a specific length of watch time. Each course will take a minimum of that watch time, plus the amount of time it takes to apply the learning to the student’s project or venture.

After reviewing requirements and addressing customized, needs it can be done within as little as 2 – 4 days.

The booking page allows you to book on demand. Choose the time that fits your schedule, based on what is available, and you are good to go!

Group coach calls are scheduled the week prior. These are based on the best time for most to be present live. If you miss it, don’t worry, we will post them!

Yes. This is a custom request and can be added to any package.

Starting with the basics of learning the courses and join our groups. This is the course lounge license. Once things get moving, you will be more aware of your own personal requirements and we can talk.

This is the why we started Our goal is to take those 3 brilliant inventors and help them grow the right way to success.

We have a whole membership site as we value everyone’s privacy and security. All of the program is completed through